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About Nallebudet - your ultimate online destination for sending thoughtful messages with a unique touch. Since 2004, Nallebud has been offering customers the opportunity to send more than just the classic bouquet, with adorable and cozy teddy bears delivering heartfelt messages and accompanying gifts. With the teddy bear as the messenger, there are countless reasons to show care, and when you do, it's essential that the message gets across. Throughout the years, people have sent flowers to each other, but we wanted to innovate the experience for the recipient. We deliver beautiful and enduring Nallebud that serve as lovely surprises. Using the teddy bear as a messenger, you can send care to a loved one in a charming way. Nallebud sends your greetings and thoughtful messages with the teddy bear as a personal messenger. At Nallebud, you select a teddy bear and write your message, and we send it to the recipient. We dispatch Nallebud every weekday, and you can place your order around the clock. Our aim at Nallebud is to spread joy and show care, and we hope that each adorable and cozy teddy bear sent with a Nallebud contributes to that mission. Based in Kalmar, Småland, we operate Nallebud with a spirit of Småland entrepreneurship. This means we constantly strive for improvement, find new ways, dare to change, and always make every penny count to create enhancements. We take pride in our tradition of using teddy bears as messengers, firmly rooted in the coastal region of Kalmarsund. How does it work? At Nallebud, you can choose from pre-made packages or build your personalized Nallebud. We offer teddy bears ranging from 8-24 cm in height, and if you wish, you can include accessories and presents that accompany your Nallebud in the teddy bear box (gift box). Choose from candles, small books, toys, chocolates, candies, crafts, and exquisite miniatures that enhance the message and much more. Additionally, you can create your personal card at checkout, adding that final personal touch - at no extra cost. If you send Nallebud to a hospital, it is usually permitted, although postal services to the specific hospital need to be confirmed. Nallebud is a fantastic and highly appreciated way to say "Get well soon." Sustainable care? We prioritize sustainability throughout our processes, from the procurement of teddy bears and contents for Nallebud to transportation, packaging, and delivery to the recipient. Our sustainability efforts in 2023:
  • We have reduced our transportation from our distributor to our warehouse.
  • We aim to make new teddy bear purchases with an increased proportion of recycled textiles.
  • We use less plastic in our packaging and lighter packaging by pre-packing each Nallebud and adapting the packaging to the order's content.
  • Nallebuden's transport is carried out with Svanen-labeled Varubrev by PostNord.
  • Some transports are conducted with EarlyBird, which has an increasing proportion of fossil-free transports and a business idea to include packages on the route, similar to newspaper delivery.
  • Transport from our warehouse to the drop-off at PostNord and EarlyBird is typically done by electric car or bicycle.
  • We offer several Nallebud with entirely eco-certified content, aligning with the industry's commitment to better and better sustainability.
  • Our key areas for improvement are in procurement and packaging.
We also believe that Nallebud's concept of care and messaging contributes to our sustainable world where we care for each other. Our care extends to every step, and we always aim to be there to demonstrate that we're doing our best. Show your care with a charming and sustainable Nallebud! Last Updated Today Official Website

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